lies in the verb seeing.
-Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
We are enslaved by anything we do not consciously see.
We are freed by conscious perception.
-Vernon Howard
What we see depends mainly on what we look for.
-John Lubbock
You don't need to see different things,
but rather to see things differently.
-Lama Surya Das
We see in order to move;
we move in order to see.
-William Gibson
As I see myself, so I see the world.
And as I see the world, there I find myself reflected.
-Paul Ferrini
The highest and widest seeing is the wisest.
-Aurbindo Ghose
Through perfect seeing
all discrimination is dissolved into a non-conceptual state.
-John Lubbock
You don't need to see different things,
but rather to see things differently.
-Lama Surya Das
Some things aren't visible
until you're truly ready to see them.
until you're truly ready to see them.
We see in order to move;
we move in order to see.
-William Gibson
The real voyage of discovery
consists not in seeking new landscapes,
but in having new eyes.
-Marcel Proust
My destination is no longer a place,
rather a new way of seeing.
-Marcel Proust
rather a new way of seeing.
-Marcel Proust
By seeing differently, we do differently
-James Hillman
As I see myself, so I see the world.
And as I see the world, there I find myself reflected.
-Paul Ferrini
One sees great things from the valley,
only small things from the peak.
-G. K. Chesterton
The highest and widest seeing is the wisest.
-Aurbindo Ghose
Through perfect seeing
all discrimination is dissolved into a non-conceptual state.
When seeing is no seeing there is real seeing.
-D. T. Suzuki